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The drive to Dr. Khouri’s office is gorgeous. The island of Key Biscayne is so clean and his office building is very modern. It really stands out from the other buildings. It gives a state-of-the-art feel.
The Miami Breast Center located in Key Biscayne
After reviewing my medical history Dr. Khouri examined my breasts and we discussed the best areas to liposuction fat from for the augmentation. While he examined my breasts he made an observation that surprised me. He discovered I have no fold under my right breast! All my life I just assumed that I had one breast higher than the other or that one breast was slightly larger than the other. That’s what you hear people say, right? It seemed so common I never questioned it. It’s funny that it never even crossed my mind but it was the first thing Dr. Khouri noticed. The good news is: it can be corrected during the natural breast augmentation procedure. Yay!
After taking some ‘before’ pictures he had me try on the Brava device. His assistant, Cindy, helped me put on the Brava domes for the first time and was very thorough in explaining how to properly place them. She showed me how to flare out the outer gel ring in order to achieve proper pressure and avoid unnecessary pain. It can be a little tricky and she was very sweet and patient when teaching me.
Dr. Khouri came in and showed me how to do the cycling with the hand pump. The objective is to achieve maximum tissue expansion, which ultimately will result in better fat retention for lasting results. The pressure you get from the hand pump feels intense but it was not painful.
I left there with instructions on where and how to purchase my very own Brava and with a list of medical tests that I needed to have done to get medical clearance for the surgery. I was very excited and got started immediately.
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