Miami Breast Center

How long does the grafted fat last?

If the transferred fat has restored its blood supply and became viable again in its new environment it will last as long as you do. Like the skin grafts applied on burns or wounds, if the skin graft takes, it stays there forever. Unfortunately, many surgeons pump inside the breast large amounts of fat that fail to ultimately survive. The body will gradually re-absorb over time this dead fat and the final result ends up very poor. At the Miami Breast Center we do our best to avoid over-grafting. We match the graft amount to the recipient capacity and avoid injecting too much graft that fails to survive. What you see at about 3 months after grafting, once the edema of surgery has subsided, is more than 95% permanent. However, since this transferred fat is live and metabolically active tissue, it might increase in size if you gain weight and decrease if you loose the weight.
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